Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday

A while back I started doing these posts called "Thankful Thursdays" and, as with all my other writing, I stopped. I have no idea why.

I've decided to start them again.

I firmly believe that we should take time once in a while to realize what we have to be thankful for. It's not something we have to do each day, but once a week is good I think. I believe that taking the time to see what we have in our lives that's good is one step to being happy. Focus on the positive rather than the negative.

I've said for a long time that I believe that happiness is a choice. And I totally do. Doing something like this reinforces that.

So without further adieu....

Ten things I am thankful for this week:

1. Time with my friend Tracy. Tracy has stage four terminal colon cancer. I am eternally grateful for each day that I have to spend with her, talk to her on the phone, joke around on Facebook. Whatever. She and I share many of the same philosophies of life. We believe that life is short - you may as well have fun and enjoy it. We believe that drama sucks and isn't worth it. And we believe that you take responsibilities for your own shit, but that whatever that shit is? It isn't the end of the world. Own it and move on. I know the day will come, probably in the not so distant future, that I won't have her to call and share my day with. And my life will be bleaker for it.
2. Time with my husband. I've been with my husband since I was 16 and he was 17. He is my best friend and truly the other half of my soul. He loves me despite (or perhaps because of) all my quirky flaws. He keeps me grounded while still letting me live in my own little world. He takes care of all the things that stress me out, like car insurance and finances. He is nearly my polar opposite. He is the caution to my daredevil; the neat freak to my slob; the reality to my fantasy; the morning to my night; and the serious to my goofy (though he does have his moments). He forces me to accept reality occasionally and I force him to have a good time, enjoy life and not take everything so seriously. We've had our issues - separated and nearly divorced before, and I'm thankful for every day that we have together.

3. Fall/Autumn. I love this time of year. I love seeing the leaves change. I think all the colors are just beautiful. I love it when a tree is half changed and you have the contrast of the colorful leaves against the normal green. I love the cool, crisp air. I love football Friday nights (and college Saturday - Go Bucks!). I love taking a walk and stepping on all the crunchy leaves. I love Halloween, decorating, carving pumpkins, passing out candy, haunted houses, hot apple cider, caramel apples, wearing sweatshirts, getting my comfy winter boots out, flannel sheets and breaking out the down comforter to snuggle under.

4. My house. We just bought our house last year. It's the first really nice house that we've owned (the first one was a hundred and fifty year old money pit house that we finally let the bank have back because the foundation was crumbling under us). I have my own den, with a door that I can shut when I want to work. We have a stairway that I love and can decorate. A portal window that I adore. A finished basement that we have set up as a workout room. A kitchen with an island. A jacuzzi tub in our bathroom. And a walk in closet. If we could pick the house up and set it down in a different neighborhood it would truly be our dream house.

5. My dog. I have a standard poodle named Lucy. She is a smart, ditzy blonde that is my shadow and I adore her. She makes me laugh, is always happy to see me, sleeps at my feet and follows me everywhere I go. Oh, and she loves getting new outfits and dressing up.

6. Laughter. Nothing beats a good laugh. The kind where you laugh so hard that you cry and makes your belly ache.

7. Music. My life would be incomplete without music. It can inspire me, make me want to get up and move, make me want to cry and fill me with joy. It can lift me up, change my mood or commiserate with me when I need a friend to be sad with. It can say "I know exactly how you feel, I've been there too" or it can say "Do good. Go make the world a better place" or it can say "Just have a good time and feel good!", or any number of other things. Music speaks to me.

8. Colors. I love colorful things and all colors. I love the way they can brighten things up. The way they contrast and compliment each other. The way they can change a mood and make me happy.

9. Sunsets. I love colorful sunsets. So pretty.

10. Pinterest. It's my new addiction. So much fun and such a great way to keep ideas in one space. If you want an invite, let me know. Here is my page:

So, that's my week, in a nutshell.  What made you happy this week? What are you thankful for?

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