A few weeks ago I applied for my first paid freelance writing gig. You all were witness to the sample article I had to submit. The good news is....I got the job! Yay me!
The bad news? Is that I missed out on the Winter Writing Festival because I had NO time to keep up with keeping track of everything. I have been writing though.
The other bad news? Is that suddenly I find myself busy as hell. Seriously. It's craziness. Between my regular paying job, reading books to review, writing articles, doing some research for the local stuff that I have to write about with the article, trying to write my own stuff, Digi-Con (which was awesome), workshops that I paid for, trips to the chiropractor/physical therapist three times a week and normal family stuff? I am exhausted.
It's a good thing I have an incredible husband that cooks and cleans. Otherwise, I might end up being featured on an episode of Hoarders or something.
To all you published authors out there that hold down regular jobs while writing, meeting deadlines and marketing yourselves on the web? Mad, crazy props to you. You have my utmost respect.
I just have one question.
When do you sleep?
My first noteworthy article was a review of Terry Campbell's book "Craigs' Legacy", followed by an interview with her. Next up will be Wayward Soul by Kim Bowman. Which will hopefully be up in the next day or two.
Want to read it? You can go here.
Oh and ...please go read it. Or just click on the link. I need the page hits. Those are what get me paid. And I'd really like to go buy an ereader so I'm not glued to the computer to read the books I'm reviewing. :D
One word of advice though? Add the site to your pop-up blocker.
Congratulations on the job. Take a deep breath and know that it will get easier. I hear what you say. Full time jobs, plus family, plus writing, equals crazy life. :)